Friday, 31 August 2012


I look for inspiration everywhere streets, movies, music, architecture, magazines, sitting in coffee shops, people watching, tumblr, blogs, friends the list is endless! My laptops filled with saved documents of pieces and outfits i love (so much a little box pops up everyday saying i have no disc space left..) 

I think its important we surround ourselves with creativity and people who think out the box, if we dont our style will never evolve and will stay the same forever and isnt that a bit boring?

Here are some of my favourite photos :) hope you enjoy!

Ruth xxxxx


ps heres my tumblr where i spend too much of my time..


  1. Such nice inspiration photos you have here!

    1. Thank you! Defiantly a few of my favourites, the colours and cuts are gorgeous xxxx

  2. Lovely post! Constantly seeing people's outfits or ways they are wearing things/how they have styled them and thinking I should take note! The brown hand-bag teamed with the black skirt and blouse is GORGEOUS!! xx

    1. Yes, wish I could take photos of every outfit i see but i never seem to have a camera with me! YES defiantly one of my favorites too! Xxxx
